
Polo Europeo della Conoscenza (European Pole Of Knowledge) or ”Europole” is a public body, no-profit – network of educational Institutions (about 4000 Organizations) among them researchers, Universities, adult education organizations, Regional Administrations, VET schools, NGOs, cooperatives, and schools of every order and degree at the national level working for the European social and educational integration. Its main fields of activities are to promote the European dimension and integration through European and extra – European workshops, seminars, conferences, partnerships and projects. The Europole network is coordinating “umbrella activities” involving every time the greatest possible number of institutions of the consortium.


The Directorate General of Innovation and Equity in Education is a principal administrative unit of the Consejería de Educación, which is the Department of Education of the Autonomous Government of Castilla y León. The responsibilities are in the areas of Quality Education, Specific Educational Needs and Counselling, Teacher Training and Innovative Education. The Directorate General is composed by four units, one of which (Specific Educational needs, and Counselling) will be directly involved on this project.


There are between General Directorate’s tasks and competences:

  • The design, coordination and development of guidelines and plans for the Educational System Improvement.
  • Development of innovative curriculum materials and supporting resources to infant, primary and secondary school levels, specially materials for learning through ICT.
  • Promoting parents, students and children educational participation through parents associations, NGO and others.

The Equity, equality and Educational counselling unit is responsible of:

  • Regional planning and management of resources and programs for pupils with special and specific educational needs and learning difficulties.
  • Planning and management of educational Counselling. Organizing complementary and support activities for students in order to improve their curricular development.


Panevezys District Education Centre is a public and non-profit organization established by the Council of Panevezys District Municipality in 1995 and located in Panevezys City, Lithuania. The purposes of the Centre are to develop professional competence of the members of schools communities and promote the dissemination of perspective pedagogical innovations. The centre provides an in-service training for 22 educational communities situated mainly in Panevezys District. The Centre strives to develop the professional competence of different community groups (youth, members of school communities, seniors) and promote the dissemination of innovations in education. The activities of the Centre respond to the priorities of national education, school needs and individual trainees’ and the vision of a life-long learning society. The Centre sees its principal task to offer timely trainings, workshops, seminars, internship. The service of freelance experts of education and acknowledged trainers-practitioners is available for both district teachers and school managers. The team of the Centre offers research activities and learning projects, developing cooperation among different community groups, governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and foreign partners. It responds to the needs of educational community, regarding qualification, professional and cultural aspects. The Centre continuously participates in national and foreign projects and programmes and its staff members disseminate experience in international conferences. In 2012–2014 Panevezys District Education Centre together with its partners from Spain, Poland and Portugal implemented Grundtvig learning project , Adult Education Pathways Toward 2020”.


Make it Better (miB) is a recent organisation (private NGO, non-profit) settled in one of the most depressed regions in Europe (South Alentejo, Portugal), that capitalizes the experience of its promoters and team of more than 18 years of joint work and cooperation with public and private organizations in Portugal, Europe and as well in several other parts of the world (South America, Africa and Asia). It complies a multidisciplinary team of associates and workers that give powerful input in big umbrella areas, such as sustainable development, social responsibility, social economy and social entrepreneurship, in the different frames where most disadvantaged groups are settled. In its action miB intends to: create, develop, adapt and apply sustainable and responsible work models and tools, cooperating and supporting the most disadvantaged groups. Its mission is the development of human society, in all its dimensions, namely, economic, social, environmental and cultural, linked to moral duties of solidarity and justice and all the other values registered in its charter of principles. miB’s vision is to become a reference as a national and international platform, by its energetic role in stimulating education, empowerment and social economy, facilitating and mediating, articulating resources and promoting dynamics focused on the resolution of beneficiaries and communities’ problems and demands. In organizational strategic plan we can find, under priority 2 – Partnerships and Cooperation, strong emphasis in the promotion of education as fundamental tool for social equity, cohesion and development, but as well the promotion of co-operation and sharing of best practices and models developed, tested and validated within similar contexts, namely in the context of youth education and capacity building. Social inclusion, diversity, non-formal education, employability, initiative, creativity and innovation are equally thematically focused in the plan, being simultaneously the organization key tools and expertise for cooperation and development.

Make it Better is actually a member of the General Council for Education of Cuba, which is responsible for the design and validation of the local educational policies. The organisation counts actually with 20 official members (experts in multiple and complementary areas).

Further, the organisation works in straight cooperation with local and regional agents (public and private) which comply with a large and continuous group of learners and direct beneficiaries of its activities (actually achieving more than 500 people).


Association for the Regional Initiatives Development (ARID) is a private non-governmental organization oriented on the promotion and development of the idea of lifelong learning. The scope of the Association’s activities covers a variety of topics. The Association specializes in vocational training (VET) but also, in accordance with the idea of lifelong learning, conducts training for adults. In the dynamically changing modern World it is necessary to constantly improve your qualifications, develop skills and expand your knowledge. The activities carried out by the Association meet these needs by organizing many different trainings, lectures and courses. The employees and trainers working in the Association are highly qualified staff in terms of both education and professional skills. In addition, the Association cooperates with numerous professionals (eg beekeepers, teachers, farmers, agricultural advisers, social workers, prison employees, tutors of disabled people, etc.) as well as public and private institutions from various branches (eg universities, research institutes, prison inspectorate , agricultural advisory centers, schools for disabled children, etc.). Since few years ARID actively participate in various international schemes, through a well-established network of partners abroad, based on the intense past experience. Association cooperates with more than 50 various international organizations from Europe and also from US and South America. Association participated in few international multilateral projects. Those projects were realized in the frame of Life Long Learning Programme like Grundtvig Multilateral Project and Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation. Currently, since 2014, Association is working in Erasmus+ Programme. Association is involved in 10 projects in the frame of the Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnerships.


SINAPTICA Association was established in 2015, upon the initiative of a group of experts from education, culture, professional training, development and implementation of projects and organisational management. Currently, the NGO have 2 employees. SINAPTICA aims to support organisations and individuals for their development and reach of their maxim potential, by drafting, organising, implementation and promotion of activities in the following fields: education and professional training for children, teenagers, adults and seniors, arts & culture, environment, tourism & rural development, fundamental and applicative research. Our members and collaborators have a very significant experience in grants, with activities in fields as: organisational development, IT, cultural heritage, supporting disabled people, performing arts, social economy, architecture, museum activities and professional training. We intend to develop, at Romania’s level, a network of people and organisations for which the development is a need and a positive impact an purpose. Since its establishment, SINAPTICA have been involved in 12 cultural and educational projects financed by National Cultural Fund Administration. Also, SINAPTICA provided counselling for organisational development to Mehedinți County Council and National Museum ASTRA in Sibiu.

