The purpose of this first output is to provide a document analysing the presence of references to rights in traditional fairy tales and providing adequate tools to narrate them and through them bring children closer to the real history of the struggles to obtain fundamental rights. Two great stories have been analysed by all partners for their fame and for the numerous rights-related themes that can be identified in them: Pinocchio and Don Quixote. In addition, each partner analysed a third national fairy tale in order to also give adequate space to local cultural heritage and offer the opportunity to get to know different traditions: the Lithuanian fairy tale “Kursiukas”; the Portuguese traditional tale “Jacinta”; the Polish tale “The Dwarfs and the Orphan Marysia” the Romanian tales “The Wise Child” and “Ileana Samziana” and, for Italy, the “Divine Comedy”. The aim of this document is to provide senior people and educators with an overview of how rights can be introduced using fairy tales and puppet theatre in a suitcase. The document is divided into 6 sections (one per project partner). In each section, rights are first presented through relevant episodes of national (or local) history related to them, then scenes from the fairy tale in which the selected right emerges are introduced and finally a list of legislative references to rights (in national and international law) is provided.

English Version

Italian Version

Spanish Version

Lithuanian Version

Polish Version

Romanian Version

Portuguese Version
